Thursday, November 14, 2013

Subblime Giveaway!

Hi guys! It's almost Friday and I have good news! It's GIVEAWAY TIME!!

You can enter to win this:

Pink Cosmo Black Quilted Chain Tote

To enter to win this bag all you need to do is go to my Subblime channel and subbscribe, then click on this giveaway, and click "enter today"! 

I hope you win! :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Allegiant Live Show!

The Booktubers:
Jesse - JesseTheReader 
Tiernan - TheBookTuber 
Kat - Katytastic
Myself - priceiswong

Thanks so much to everyone that came and asked us questions! We had so much fun! If you have any books that you would like us to discuss in a future live show, just let us know! You can comment below, on the live show itself, or twitter is always a great place to get your ideas out there too!

Also if you missed the first live show that we did together (minus Jesse) about The House of Hades click here!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Allegiant Live Show Announcement

You MAY have already heard.. but in case you haven't.. 

So make sure and join Christine, Cass, Jesse, Kat, Tiernan, and I this Saturday 7pm EST to discuss Allegiant!! We decided to do this again after we had so much fun discussing The House of Hades a couple of weeks ago! AND we've added Jesse now! Make sure and stay tuned to hear more updates via twitter!