Thursday, January 2, 2014

I hate laptop chargers..

So not to be TOO dramatic.. but something terrible has happened.. My laptop is dead.
(Why don't you just charge it Jessica?)
Well THANKS Captain Obvious pants! ...but the terrible thing is not that my laptop has died.. but my CHARGER has died.. again. This has already happened to me once this year.
What am I doing to these poor chargers that make them die?

Anyways I'm ordering one now, but it will be a few days before I can have a fully charged laptop.. which means that I won't have access to any sort of editing software for a few days.. which means NO videos.. :'( This really stinks because I was planning on putting out ALL sorts of videos in the next couple of days. My December Wrap Up & January TBR.. my Christmas Book Haul (in which I show you the books and Harry Potter merchandise that I got for Christmas!).. my Vampire Academy reviews over the first THREE books all together.. I've been flying through those puppies faster than I can review them! (Well, review them on video I mean.. I've already done written reviews..) I also have a fun Harry Potter tag video that I'll be doing soon, but NOT until those other ones are finished!.. So ya, I'm a little bummed, but at least you know now. I guess you have something to look forward to, right?

Anyone else kill their chargers as often as me? ....No? Just me.. alright then.


Kayla Dwyer said...

Oh nooo! That sucks. None of my chargers have ever died but I did trip over one once and the cord came out of the box part. Whoops. Hopefully you'll get it soon and can start posting videos again.

Jessica said...

Oh no! haha ya I don't know what I did...
Anyways according to Amazon it should be here tomorrow! Hopefully I can post a few videos then this week!