What's your favorite color?
Aqua blue! I also love coral! Is that too specific? Maybe just any blue..and pink… I also really enjoy a good yellow. My favorite color changes often!
Favorite animal?
This is another complicated question! I love all animals and I always have! I used to do little reports on different animals when I was a kid for fun! I wanted to be a zookeeper so badly! Ha If had to choose…I will say… Cheetah! Or Giraffe, fox, owls, otters, dogs, cats…yeah I can’t choose!
Speaking of animals, do you have any pets?

I do have pets! I have 2 kitties, Albi Cat, named after a Dragon from Flight of the Conchords, he is a very pudgy black cat with one little white spot which kind of looks like a bow tie, and Carl Otis Winslow, who is our little orange kitty, Jeff named him Carl Otis Winslow after the father from Family Matters, we just call him Carl for short, and one puppy Caia, she is our little rescue puppy, we aren’t really sure what kind of dog she is but we think she is a German shepherd border collie mix! Pictures are attached! I also have 2 dogs (Lilo and Pippa) and 2 cats (Piper and Little Miss Beaujangles) that live with my parents!

What do you do? (I know we all wish we could say that we read books for a living).. are you a student? Do you work?
I work full time as the Coordinator, Volunteers and Community Development with Volunteer Greater Fredericton and Greater Fredericton Social Innovation. I am shared by the two organizations, both of which are non-profit! Basically I help all the non-profit organizations in our city find volunteers, I do workshops and presentations on the importance of volunteering and how to be involved in your community, and I plan events in the community! As well as many many other things! It keeps me very busy! :)
What can you be found doing in your down time (when you're not reading)?
In my down time I can be found lounging with Jeff and the animals! We both work a lot and we really enjoy spending out free time relaxing! We also love going to the market on the weekends, watching movies and traveling around when we can! I also love to bake and I do it as often as I can! J
Do you have any other favorite YouTubers aside from booktube?
I love Jenna Marbles, she was the first Youtuber I was actually subscribed to! She never fails to entertain me! I also love Grav3yardgirl, Leighannsays, essiebutton, missglamorazzi, Wonderly, Laura in the Kitchen, My Cupcake Addiction, and there are many more that I watch frequently!
What's your favorite ice cream?
I don’t discriminate, I will eat it all!!! Ha But if I had to choose, I like anything chocolate, for example Death By Chocolate! YUM
What's your top 3 favorite TV shows?
New Girl, The Office, and Teen Wolf, I’m not sure if that’s accurate but Teen Wolf is all I can currently think about! J haha The Office will forever be my favorite show and New Girl is my love, I have seen each season 6 times over!
Where are you dying to travel too?
The world!! I want to go everywhere! But if I had to choose I would love to go to Greece!
What's one of your greatest pet peeves?
Bullies! I can’t stand when people are mean and rude to others!
What's your favorite season, and why?
I love Fall! It is perfect sweater weather! I hate being hot and I hate being cold, so I enjoy the in between of Fall! I also love the colors and the leaves and how everything in pumpkin flavored!
Were you named after anyone?
I was weirdly named after Jamie Lee Curtis! Haha My mom just liked the name! Only my name is spelt Leigh rather than Lee! Very random!
Do you have any tattoos? If so what of/where?
I don’t have any, but I have been considering getting one!

Have you ever left the country?
I have! I have been to many of the states in the US and I have also been to Cuba and the Bahamas!
Top 3 movies?
Forrest Gump, Step Brothers (or any other Will Ferrell movie) and Billy Madison (Bonus: Catching Fire and all Disney films!)
What's your top 3 favorite bands/artists at the moment?
Of Monsters and Men, The Lumineers and Imagine Dragons ….and Backstreet Boys (ALWAYS haha)… Also Taylor Swift, her CD is always in my car, I love her.
Are you right or left handed?
Right Handed! But I can write with both, which came with many years of not paying attention in class and practicing writing with my left hand!
Do you have any neat tricks?
I have been professionally trained to make balloon animals! Which oddly enough has come in handy over the years! haha
What's your favorite song on the radio at the moment?
I don’t listen to the radio very often, but if Let It Go by Demi Lovato is on the radio, lets go with that one…because like everyone else, I am obsessed with Frozen!
Whats your favorite food? Least favorite?
Favorite food is cookies and least favorite is shellfish, ugh so gross! Cookies are so yum, I love them all! I would eat cookies for any meal!
You can find Jamie here:
Jamie's most recent video!
Thank you for interviewing the best BookTubers! I love Jeff and Jamie so much. They're so cute. <3 And thank you for the pictures of the cats! Too cute, too cute.
Thank you! I love them too! I can't wait to meet them in May during BEA! I know! haha they have the cutest pets!!
Cool! It was really fun interview.:) Thank you for doing it!:)
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