The past week hasn't been easy. Last Monday was Physical Therapy (we've started going once a week instead of twice.) Tuesday was my Women's Bible Study (and Emma went to nursery for 2 hours). I'm so so proud of her! In the beginning I had to pick her up early from being so upset. Then she started making it the whole time, but she was basically held the entire time. Now she plays on the floor the whole time and seems to enjoy it! I think she likes seeing the other babies.
Wednesday my mom came to visit and Emma was fussy. That's the day it all started. I thought she was just teething (I can see 4 teeth coming in on top). Fevers, crying at night, etc. I was going to take her in to get checked out, but when I called Friday they were full. Then the next day, on Saturday, she was acting normal! Playing and crawling around... no fever. So we didn't go.
Saturday we visited our friends Karlee and Darren (and Emma's Godparents) while Jake was working in St. Louis. Jake was planning on meeting us at my parents house and we'd spend the night there, and see his family the next day. If only I'd known what would happen... I definitely would have stayed home!
Emma got a rash on her face and then eventually her stomach, neck, by her ears, all over her bottom, etc. She was so fussy... She would be okay for a little while, and then it would hit again. Monday morning I called and took her into the doctor's office for them to say she has Strep Throat. AGAIN. She's had it three times! That's terrible... I've never even had it!

Today hasn't been super fun to be honest. I've cleaned and sanitized most of my day. The rest of the day I was just lazy and watched TV and played with Emma in the living room. I've had no motivation...
I'd love to go visit my Grandma, Mom, Sister, and Nieces and Nephew tomorrow, but we'll just have to see. I have a cold (I was terrified I got Strep from Emma!) I don't want to get anyone sick! And Emma is still recovering of course so I don't want to push her too much.

**I then remembered Emma has strep throat and is very contagious at the moment and I put it all away. I already have a ton to clean :D
I'd love to blog more and do a better job of doing updates for Emma. I know I'll love to look back on them. I'm also reading more again so I'd like to do a better job at doing book reviews here! Maybe make this blog two part, motherhood and book blog. I'm thinking I'd like a new layout too for a refresher!
If you've read this far, do you have kids of your own? Have you ever dealt with Strep?
Also, what are you currently reading right now?
Let me know in the comments!
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