I saw another blogger, Ashley, do a post like this and thought it would be fun to do! Sometimes we forget that booktubers and bloggers have lives outside of blogging and reading, and so I thought it would be fun to chit chat over some "coffee" with you guys!
Grab your beverage (I actually have water) and lets getting chattin!
If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I'm hoping today is a much better day than yesterday! You know how you have those days where you have a ton of stuff that you want to get done.. then at the end of the day you feel like you hardly got any of it actually accomplished? Ya. That was me yesterday. I wasted so much time yesterday in shops and things and couldn't find what I needed! Then I ended up watching a couple of episodes of TV with Jake (which is normally not a big deal, but I want to avoid watching TV during the booktube-a-thon!)

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you how I'm really proud of the food I bought at the grocery store yesterday! (Random? A little..) But while I wanted to fill up the cart with soda, Little Debbie snack cakes, and loads of chips and other things I don't need, I didn't! I bought no soda or crappy snacks, but instead bought tons of fruits, whole wheat bread, etc! I'm also doing a lot better about bringing my water bottle with me to work! It's so easy to just sit and drain a few sodas, and while I'm not completely cutting soda out of my diet, I'm definitely drinking less!
If we were having coffee... I'd tell you how excited I am to leave work today (who isn't excited to leave work?) but besides the obvious reasons, I'm really looking forward to going to the park with Jake and Piper! It's supposed to be 72 degrees out today which is around 27 degrees less than it has been! I'm looking forward to walking a short trail and then maybe laying out a blanket and reading! (Unless there are tons of bugs... then let's be honest, I'll just go home and read!)
If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
It can be anything!
Let me know in the comments below!
That's awesome! Happy late birthday! :D
Congrats on your acceptance!! I'm so happy for you!
Thanks! :)
I'm really sorry about your job! Hope you can figure out what you want to do like you said, but at least you get to read more! :)
I think it's awesome that you want to go to Europe! I have plans to go there as well! But alas... it's expensive. I'm saving up though! I've heard of someone doing that as well! I think that's a fantastic idea!
haha aww! I just bought my puppy yet ANOTHER bag of dog food. She eats sooo much! <3
Thanks!! Let's say it was a beautiful weekend! :3
Your niece is soo adorable ,totally rocking that flower head band all
the way:D
I've stopped drinking sodas a few years back , there are these sparkly flavored waters infused with vitamins which taste ok and may help with the cravings , eating healthier is always a good way to go so good luck with that
and I hate bugs too ..well unless it’s a lady bug :)
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