Wednesday, September 24, 2014

If We Were Having Coffee... 9/24/14

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I didn't plan to take over a month off from blogging.. it just kind of happened. I've taken breaks that may last up to a week before, but never this long! Sorry everyone!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that this blog turns 1 year old in 3 days! How cool!!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that while I haven't been blogging, I've still been BookTubing at least! My goal is to have at least 3 new videos up a week! And if I'm having a really great week, maybe even 4 or 5!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that unfortunately I won't be posting any new videos this week, however. I'm currently on my desktop computer typing this.. (and I don't have any editing software on here.) I usually use my Macbook to edit, but it's dead. (And I forgot my charger back home over an hour away...)

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I've been OBSESSED with Once Upon a Time latey! I've alway enjoyed the show, but season 3 has been amazing!! I'm ALMOST all caught up so I plan on watching the new episode on Sunday! I can't wait!!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I've just been watching a LOT of TV in general lately. A little too much maybe.. but ya know how that goes. Besides watching OUAT, I've also started watching Outlander AND I've started reading it! I've also been watching Big Brother (season finale is on tonight)... New Girl and Big Bang Theory (they're finally back on TV! YES!)

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I haven't been reading very much these past two months... it's makes me sad. I'm currently STILL reading The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove. I should just make myself sit down and read it. I won't be allowed to read anything else until it's finished! But that's too hard... I've since started Outlander and I'm about 70% finished! I'm really enjoying it!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I'm very happy that Fall is here! It's my favorite season! Then Spring, then Summer, then Winter. It's been pretty hot here, so I'm happy that it's almost hoodie weather!

If we were having coffee... I'd tell you that I slept in WAY too late today. I feel very well rested now.. but I feel like I wasted half my day away!

If we were having coffee, what would you tell ME?


Christina said...

I'm rereading Outlander because I can't wait a week for each episode, hahaha ;)

Mallory and Maria said...

I love this post! What a cute idea :)